The Difference Between Temporary Work and Part-Time Work
Hiring part-time or temporary labor is a strategy businesses use to be more cost-effective in their staffing/employment operations. It’s logical that some could think they’re the same person. Temporary labor is more clearly defined in terms of duration. Before you are recruited, you will be informed of the end date and whether or not there may be a possible temp-to-hire opportunity (this is highly dependent on costs, state of the business, etc.) The concept of a part-time job is a little broader.
It may be difficult to imagine, but years ago there were only two types of jobs: full and part-time. There are many different types of titles available nowadays, and a frequent modifier – “temporary” – makes them appear different as in “temporary full time” and “temporary part-time.” Then there are the categories that seem different but look the same (because they are): “temporary part-time home working” and “remote temporary part-time jobs.”Vegan bodybuilder abhishek thevar sustanon 250 for sale east african bodybuilding championships in eldoret: bodybuilders eye sh1 million prize
In a moment, the job market may seem extremely “temporary,” and in your excitement about finding a job, you may make a typical error among job seekers: Assuming that temporary and part-time work are the same. They most certainly are not.
The more you compare these two types of employment, part-time and temporary employees, the more evident the divide becomes. It may be useful to examine the two sorts of employees in terms of the three Ds: “definition, duration, and due diligence.”
Most authorities classify part-time staff as individuals who work 35 hours or less each week. Full-time workers typically work at least 40 hours per week and are paid via a weekly salary. Part-time workers, like full-time employees, generally – but not always – have a regular work timetable and are rewarded by the hour.
Duration: It may be helpful to conceive of part-time workers as permanent. This implies until they or the company decide it’s best to part ways.
Due diligence: Like their full-time colleagues, part-time workers must observe all corporate rules and procedures. Under the “Fair Labor Standards Act” and the “Occupational Safety and Health Administration,” they are entitled to the same safeguards. They have little protection from the employer regarding benefits such as health insurance, sick and vacation time, and paid holidays. Some businesses provide no benefits, others prorate benefits, while yet others provide the same benefits as full-time employees. Because part-timers make up a significant portion of a firm’s labor pool, the bigger the organization, the more liberal it is with them.
Fair Labor Standards Act
Part-time workers are regarded the same as full-time employees under the “Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)” in terms of minimum wage, overtime compensation, recordkeeping, and child labor. Likewise, part-time workers are protected by OSHA’s safety and health rules regarding injuries in the workplace, sickness, and fatalities. Finally, under the “Employee Retirement Income Security Act,” part-time workers who work 1,000 hours or more in a calendar year may be eligible for retirement benefits (ERISA).
Temporary Workers
Temporary workers may work part-time or full-time and are generally rewarded by the hour. Temporary employees are employed in one of two ways: directly by a firm or via an agency. The body in charge of hiring is also in charge of issuing paychecks.
Temporary employees may be employed daily, weekly, monthly, or longer. This may be to replace maternity leave or to fill a seasonal need. This is why it is important to read the tiny print in job advertisements. If the term of a position described as temporary is not specified, it is quite acceptable to inquire about it. Nonetheless, temporary employees are often hired for a limited and fixed length of time, with one optimistic exception for those seeking a more long-term employment arrangement: According to Employment agencies, good matches might result in the firm requesting the temp to become a permanent staff member, either part-time or full-time, at the conclusion of a probationary term. This is referred to as a temp-to-perm role since the labor is temporary but becomes permanent.
Legal Rights
Companies that recruit temporary workers in certain jurisdictions may face federal discrimination and harassment lawsuits, as well as other claims. Furthermore, whether the company exercised some control over the employee’s selection, hiring, and working conditions, thereby creating an employee/employer relationship, determines whether temporary employees may claim rights under the “Family Medical Leave Act,” which provides the right to take leave while caring for a child, sick spouse, or elderly parent.
The Right Attitude
Finally, your financial situation may force you to take temporary work. It may be useful to keep in mind that a temporary job might also:
- Help you keep up with your payments while looking for part-time or full-time work.
- Allow you to develop new talents, which will increase your marketability.
- Demonstrate to potential employers that you have been continuously employed, with no breaks in work.
- Increase your business contacts and even meet new pals.
- In the case of temp-to-perm employment, this is an excellent opportunity to check out a company before making a lengthier commitment.
Finally, it’s important to recognize that employers don’t have all the cards. In other words, if a temporary job isn’t working out for you, you’ll only have a limited number of days to put up with it until you’re free to take on a new challenge – preferably one that will make you happy for good.
Sources – Part Time, Temporary, and Seasonal Employees – Should I work part-time, temporary or permanent?